Is Washington closing its Afghan chapter for good?

Is Washington closing its Afghan chapter for good?

April 20, 2021

Last week U.S. President Joe Biden finally announced a deadline for the withdrawal of all the U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

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Last week U.S. President Joe Biden finally announced a deadline for the withdrawal of all the U.S. troops from Afghanistan. It was something that former U.S. President Donald Trump also wanted to do but could not achieve.

It was also something Biden wanted to be achieved when he was serving as the vice president for the Barack Obama administration. It was a well-known fact that while Obama wanted to have a surge of the U.S. forces, Biden had a different position and supported the removal of the forces from the country.

Before and after terrorism

Just like any other long wars, it was a difficult decision to make for the U.S. administrations. Almost 20 years ago, the U.S. forces launched a military operation to eliminate the terrorist forces that organized the biggest terrorist attack in U.S. history.

The operation intended to eradicate the potential breeding ground for these groups. It was after 9/11 and there was a major consensus in the U.S. and major support around the world in launching a military operation against Afghanistan and against the government of the Taliban.

For the first time, NATO initiated its 

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