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Weeks, months, years? When will this happen?

April 6, 2021

Two trends seem to be competing with one another during the coronavirus crisis in recent weeks.

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Two trends seem to be competing with one another during the coronavirus crisis in recent weeks. On the one hand, the number of people who have been vaccinated has been increasing as of late, while on the other hand, many countries seem to be heading toward a third wave of the virus. In countries like the U.S., which has been the epicenter of the pandemic for the last 12 months, the number of those who received at least one jab reached 161 million as of April 2.

Around the world, the number passed 600 million, which is a source of cautious optimism in regards to the fight against the outbreak that shattered social and economic life around the world for more than a year.

The authorization of new vaccines and an increase in vaccine production point to vaccinations continuing to increase in the coming months, which would bring about a normalization process in certain parts of the world by the end of this year.

Too early to feel safe

However, there is still significant reason to be cautious in this process. Since the beginning of the vaccination process in some countries, we have witnessed the reemergence of inequalities, this time due to the public health crisis.

There has been a visible discrepancy in access to vaccinations among countries. In the coming months, if the international community fails to address this inequality and cooperate in order to make it possible for everybody to have access to

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