Death inequality recession The COVID-19 mirror

Death, inequality, recession: The COVID-19 mirror

March 13, 2021

It has been almost a year since the declaration of the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic.

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It has been almost a year since the declaration of the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. It was one of the most tragic years in history. Millions were infected by the virus, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives. It traumatized tens of millions of people around the world.

When the outbreak started, there were some concerns in the scientific community about having another SARS or MERS crisis. The reports coming from the epicenter of the crisis, China's Wuhan, raised some questions about the true extent of the crisis. However, despite all these question marks and concerns, not a lot of people around the world were expecting a pandemic of this proportion.

Everybody quickly started to realize that we were facing something very different this time. When the epicenter of the crisis moved from China to Europe and then the U.S., we started to see the true face of the pandemic.

As the number of infected increased, countries started taking precautions to stop the outbreak. Life around the world came to a standstill. Traveling across borders became more challenging as the situation deteriorated.

In a record time, in less than nine months, scientists around the world started to come up with vaccines to curb the spread of the virus. However, parallel to the vaccines, mutations of the virus also began to emerge around the world. These variants caused an increasing number of questions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines and whether there will be a need for booster shots.

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