Since inauguration Biden pushes red alert for China

Since inauguration, Biden pushes red alert for China

April 3, 2021

The Biden administration's initial foreign policy statements and announcements demonstrate that China is the most significant priority of the United States.

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The Biden administration's initial foreign policy statements and announcements demonstrate that China is the most significant priority of the United States.

As mentioned in this column previously, China is considered a technological, political, economic and military challenge for the U.S.

Within a month after the inauguration, the Biden administration began talking about the challenge that China poses to the U.S. and started to take some actions in order to deal with China from “a position of strength.”

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s charming offensive in Asia, Austin’s visit to India, Blinken and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s confrontation with their Chinese counterparts and Blinken’s visit to Brussels in order to renew the vows of alliance all had something to do with China.

In order to act from “a position of strength,” the Biden administration tried to convince the U.S. allies both in Asia and Europe to be on the same page in regards to China.

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