The Strategic Benefits of Turkey's Admission Into East Asian Summit

The Strategic Benefits of Turkey's Admission Into East Asian Summit

November 10, 2007

To fulfill Turkeyʹs mission as a ʺcivilizational connectorʺ between Europe and Asia, Turkey must be a full member of the East Asian Summit.


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By Kim Beng Phar SETA Policy Brief, No. 3, November  2007 To fulfill Turkeyʹs mission as a  ʺcivilizational connectorʺ  between Europe and Asia, Turkey must be a full member of the East Asian Summit. The path towards this goal, among others, requires Turkey to be a Dialogue Partner of ASEAN. Once ASEAN sponsors Turkeyʹs membership in East Asian Summit, Turkey would then be strategically positioned to be a key member with some of the worldʹs most monumental economic and political powers in its midst.   Indeed, if Turkey is a member of East Asian Summit, ideally by 2010, Turkey would be in a better position to realize its strategic, civilizational, and historical depth. Download the Brief
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