2007 EU Progress Report on Turkey A Step Forward

2007 EU Progress Report on Turkey: A Step Forward

December 4, 2007

The EU progress reports on candidate countries are important indicators of how EU institutions manage and monitor the accession process.


This Article
By Mesut Özcan SETA Policy Brief, No. 4, December  2007 The EU progress reports on candidate countries are important indicators of how EU institutions manage and monitor the accession process. The 2007 European Union progress report on Turkey’s EU membership gives a comprehensive account of how EU evaluates the political developments in Turkey. While the report is overall positive and supportive of the reform agenda of the AK Party government, it contains legitimate criticisms as well as debatable assessments on the Cyprus issue. Despite the shortcomings, Turkey should continue its efforts to strengthen democratization and focus on public diplomacy in the EU member countries. Download the Brief
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