Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

April 28, 2015

This edited volume is the product of the Young Scholars on Turkey (YSOT) Conference held in Washington, D.C. on February 12, 2014.

This Article

This edited volume is the product of the Young Scholars on Turkey (YSOT) Conference held in Washington, D.C. on February 12, 2014. We have worked with the presenters of the conference to transform their paper presentations into chapter-long analyses of various domestic and foreign policy issues in Turkey. The diversity of papers in terms of content and approach, combining historical analyses, theoretical exercises, and case studies, makes this compilation an interesting read for both academic and policy audiences. Chapters provide us with fresh research findings from early career academics on domestic and foreign policy issues. We hope that they contribute to a growing number of nuanced and careful analyses on Turkey.



Huseyin Alptekin, Kurdish Question and State Policies in Turkey: Ethnic Incorporation Policies and Kurdish Peripheral Demands, 2002-2014

Dilek Yankaya, The Consolidation of the New Islamic Bourgeoisie in Turkey: Elite Formation and Recruitment Patterns Under the Justice and Development Party

Begum Adalet, The Road to Modernization: Technical Aid and Expertise in Turkish-American Interactions

Moritz Pieper, Turkey’s Iran Policy: A Case of Dual Strategic Hedging

Olgu Okumus, Turkey’s Objective of Being an Energy Center

Kilic Bugra Kanat, Turkish Foreign Policy in the Age of the Arab Spring

Kadir UstunObama’s Middle East Policy and U.S.-Turkey Relations


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