The Implications of a Potential Idlib Operation in Northwestern Syria

The Implications of a Potential Idlib Operation in Northwestern Syria

September 5, 2018

Idlib is one of the de-escalation zones brokered through diplomatic negotiations between Turkey, Russia, and Iran and the presence of millions of IDPs and civilians is a high concern.


This Article

Thursday, September 13, 2018

2:00pm – 3:30pm

As the Assad regime appears to be gearing up for an attack on Idlib, observers have rung the alarm bells about potentially massive humanitarian consequences. The city is considered the last bastion of the opposition and a regime takeover would mean a massive loss. Turkey, a major stakeholder in the northwest region of Syria, has been lobbying Russia and Iran against the escalation of violence in the region. Idlib is one of the de-escalation zones brokered through diplomatic negotiations between Turkey, Russia, and Iran and the presence of millions of IDPs and civilians is a high concern. The decisions and actions of the Assad regime could lead to a new humanitarian crisis, the consequences of which the international community is unprepared to handle. Please join the SETA Foundation at Washington D.C. for a discussion on the potential scenarios and outcomes of a Syrian regime attack on Idlib at a pivotal moment in the Syrian conflict.
Speakers:             Charles Lister, Senior Fellow and Director of the Extremism and Counterterrorism Program, the Middle East Institute             Sasha Ghosh-Siminoff, Executive Director and Co-founder, People Demand Change             Nick Heras, Fellow of the Middle East Security Program, the Center for a New American Security             Kadir Ustun, Executive Director, the SETA Foundation at Washington D.C. Moderator:             Kilic Bugra Kanat, Research Director, the SETA Foundation at Washington D.C.

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