Whither US Leadership in the Age of Coronavirus

Whither US Leadership in the Age of Coronavirus?

April 27, 2020

April 30, 2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm Zoom Webinar Read Event Summary Here The US leadership, or lack thereof, on a host of global issues has been


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April 30, 2020

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Zoom Webinar

Read Event Summary Here

The US leadership, or lack thereof, on a host of global issues has been debated for some time now. The global financial crisis of 2008, international sanctions, Arab Spring, climate change, China’s increasing assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific among other issues all have raised questions about various aspects of US leadership. Whether and to what extent the US should lead has become a recurring theme. Both Presidents Obama and Trump have grappled with this question while offering different visions, namely internationalist and nationalist.

In the wake of a historic crisis with the emergence of COVID-19, the US leadership is yet again a major topic of discussion. As countries have dealt with this unprecedented challenge, they have tended to focus within national borders. President Trump even said this was proof that his America First approach has been vindicated. What does the US approach to the crisis tell us about the future of its relations with Europe or China? What is the possibility of creating a global response at this point in time? How will the US leadership be shaped going forward?

On April 30, 2020, The SETA Foundation at Washington DC will host an online webinar event to discuss the question of US leadership in yet another moment of unprecedented crisis.

Please kindly join us for this timely expert panel discussion.


Philip H. Gordon, Mary and David Boies Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations

Shadi Hamid, Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution


Kilic B. Kanat, Research Director, The SETA Foundation at Washington DC

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