Upcoming Event U S -Turkey Relations 3 Years after the

Upcoming Event: U.S.-Turkey Relations 3 Years after the July 15 Coup Attempt

July 3, 2019

U.S.-Turkey Relations 3 Years after the July 15 Coup Attempt panel event seta foundatiın at washington d.c.


This Article

10:00am Registration

10:30am Panel 1: Regional Competition and Cooperation in the Syrian Conflict

Charles Lister, Senior Fellow and Director of Countering Terrorism & Extremism Program, Middle East Institute (MEI)

Ilan Goldenberg, Director of Middle East Security Program, Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

Muhittin Ataman, Director of Foreign Policy Program, SETA Foundation

Moderator: Kadir Ustun, Executive Director, SETA DC

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm           Keynote Address by Honorable Mehdi Eker, Head of Parliamentary Friendship Group for the USA and Member of Parliament of AK Party

2:00pm           Coffee Break

2:15pm Panel 2: The Bilateral Ties since the July 15 Coup Attempt

Jennifer Miel, Executive Director, US-Turkey Business Council of the US Chamber of Commerce

Edward Erickson, Professor of International Relations, Antalya Bilim University

Michael Doran, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Birol Akgün, President, Maarif Foundation

Moderator: Kilic Kanat, Research Director, SETA DC

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