Upcoming Conference U S -Turkey Relations

Upcoming Conference: U.S.-Turkey Relations

February 1, 2019

On February 7th, The SETA Foundation at Washington D.C. will host a conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations with keynote addresses and panels.


This Article

February 7, 2019

Find a summary of the event here.

As the U.S. is in the process of withdrawing from Syria, the U.S. and Turkey are in talks to coordinate their counter terrorism efforts, bring about stability, and address Turkish national security concerns in Syria. The U.S. withdrawal decision has generated an often politically charged policy debate about what happens afterward. As the regional players position themselves for the post-U.S. Syria, how can the U.S. and Turkey work together to strengthen their strategic coordination in Syria and the region as a whole? What are the implications for the future of the U.S.-Turkey defense partnership?

To discuss these issues, the SETA Foundation at Washington D.C. is pleased to host a timely conference on U.S.-Turkey relations.

10:30am – 11:00am   Registration

11:00am – 12:00pm  A Conversation on the Syrian Conflict: Implications of the U.S. Withdrawal Decision

  Sedat Önal, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey

  Burhanettin Duran, General Coordinator, The SETA Foundation

Moderated by Kilic Kanat, Research Director, The SETA Foundation at Washington D.C.

12:00pm – 12:30pm  Lunch

12:30pm – 2:00pm    U.S.-Turkey Defense and Strategic Partnership

  Celal Sami Tüfekçi, Deputy Undersecretary for Defense Industries

  Murat Yeşiltaş, Director of Security Studies, The SETA Foundation

  Luke Coffey, Director, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, The Heritage Foundation 

Moderated by Kadir Ustun, Executive Director, The SETA Foundation at Washington D.C.

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